F.A.Q. Frequently asked questions

Access to tefillà for tourists

In addition to the usual rules on appropriate clothing to a place of prayer, to access the synagogue you must:

      • for men: covered head and long trousers;
      • for women: covered shoulders, avoid low-cut dresses and short skirts.
        The Synagogue provides kippot, scarves and long trousers for those without them, please put them back after use;
      • bring an identity document with you (excluding Shabat).
      • For security reasons for accessing the synagogue, on Shabat, for prayers, all those who are not registered in our Community are required to register using this form by 2.00 pm on Friday.
What are the times for prayers?

Great Synagogue

Spanish temple (same building)

Shachrit weekdays


Shachrit: 07:00 (Sunday 07:30)

Weekdays Mincha e Arivit

10 minutes before sunset

Shabbat Eve (Friday evening)

20 minutes before sunset

20 minutes before sunset

Shabbat/Yom tov shachrit

08:30 (derasha in Italian and kiddush at the end)

08:00 (derasha in Italian and kiddush at the end); yom tov 08.30

Shabbat minchà

20 minutes before sunset

Is it possible to visit the Great Synagogue outside prayer times?

Certainly, through visits to the Jewish Museum in Rome.

What type of rites are followed in Roman synagogues?

The synagogues in Rome are all Orthodox. In some, including the Great Synagogue, the Italian minhag rite is followed, others follow the Sephardic rite (original or Libyan), one follows the Ashkenazic minhag.

How can you get meals for shabat?

Upon reservation and advance payment you can eat at the following restaurants:

However, it is possible to request a take-away meal from all kosher restaurants and fast food restaurants.

Is there an Eruv in Rome?

No, there is not.