Jewish Community of Rome

Jewish Community of Rome

Welcome to the most ancient Jewish community in Europe

Comunità Ebraica di Roma

Benvenuti nella Comunità più antica d'Europa

הקהילה היהודית של רומא

ברוכים הבאים לקהילה הוותיקה ביותר באירופה

The Jewish Community of Rome is a non-profit organization which provides and guarantees several services to its members.

The Jewish Community of Rome consists of a Council (assembly), made up of 27 members,who are elected directly by the members of the Community every 4 years. The Council appoints the President of the Community and the Executive, composed of 9 members. All members have the opportunity to participate in the Council meetings as auditors, but they have no right to speak.

Access to tefillà for tourists

In addition to the usual rules on appropriate clothing to a place of prayer, to access the synagogue you must:

      • for men: covered head and long trousers;
      • for women: covered shoulders, avoid low-cut dresses and short skirts.
        The Synagogue provides kippot, scarves and long trousers for those without them, please put them back after use;
      • bring an identity document with you (excluding Shabat).
      • For security reasons for accessing the synagogue, on Shabat, for prayers, all those who are not registered in our Community are required to register using this form by 2.00 pm on Friday.

Tourist information and FAQs

For those who are planning to visit or are already in Rome, all the necessary information for moving around the city and for a stay in compliance with Jewish rules.



Products approved 5784-2024
Assembly of Rabbis of Italy

Payments and donations

Shabat times in Rome

Today’s Talmud page בבא בתרא סב
Next Shabbat will be: 31/8/202427 Av 5784
Lighting Candles on Friday time: 19:28
Shabat ends at: 20:28
porta candele Museo Ebraico di Roma
Available at the Jewish Museum Shop
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