The Jewish Community of Rome

The Jewish Community of Rome is a non-profit organization that organises and provides a range of services to its members.

The Jewish Community is composed of a Council (assembly) consisting of 27 members, directly elected by those who are registered within the Community every 4 years. The Council appoints the President of the Community and the Executive, which consists of 9 members. All members have the opportunity to participate in the Council meetings as auditors, but they have no right to speak.

The Consultative body of the Community is the Chamber, which is partly elected directly by the members every 4 years, and partly represented by a Consultor from each Jewish association recognized by the Community.

Anyone registered with the Jewish Community of Rome can participate in the Chamber meetings and express opinions, but do not have the right to vote. The President of the Chamber attends all Council meetings, with the right to speak but not to vote.

Picture of <b>Chief Rabbi:</b> Rabbi Riccardo Shemuel Di Segni

Chief Rabbi: Rabbi Riccardo Shemuel Di Segni

Born in Rome in 1949. Perpetuating an ancient tradition, he associates the exercise of the medical profession (as a radiologist, director of a department of a large Roman public hospital) with the rabbinical activity. He obtained his rabbinical title from the Collegio Rabbino Italiano in 1973, where he has continued to teach and which he has directed since 1999. In addition to teaching, he has been active in the research field, publishing numerous philological studies and three books (the last in Hebrew, Noten ta'am leshevach on the meaning of dietary rules) and in spreading traditional Jewish culture (with three editions of a Guide to Jewish Dietary Laws). Appointed Chief Rabbi of Rome in November 2001.

Picture of <b>President:</b> Victor Fadlun

President: Victor Fadlun

Victor Fadlun was born in Rome on August 3, 1973, he attended Jewish schools from the first grade up to scientific maturity, achieved in 1992.
As a boy he attended the Bnei Akiva youth movement.
After high school, in 1997 he graduated in Economics and Commerce from Luiss.
He then worked as a manager in various sectors, from finance to real estate.
He always enthusiastically participated in Roman and Italian Jewish life. A voracious reader, he is a passionate lover of art and good food.
"We need to be united to face the emergencies and challenges facing our Community today" he said in his speech to the Council after the vote.


  • Victor Fadlun: President and Councilor for the Budget
  • Antonella Di Castro: Vice President and Councilor for Culture
  • Isacco Uri Bahbout: Cult Councillor
  • Piero Bonfiglioli: Councilor for Welfare
  • Daniela Debach: Councilor for Educational Policies (I)
  • Alessandro Luzon: Councilor for Institutional Relations and Hospital
  • Daniele Massimo Regard: Councilor for Memory
  • Benedetto Alessandro Sermoneta: Personnel Councillor
  • Isaac Tesciuba: Councilor for Heritage


  • Ruben Benigno: Councilor for Educational Policies (II) (Prog. Spec. and Found Raising)
  • Alberto Moresco: Security Delegation
  • Johanna Arbib Perugia: Councilor for International Relations and Found Raising
  • Alessandro Gai: Councilor for Sport
  • Haim Vittorio Mantin: Councilor for Kasherut
  • Claudio Moscati: Councilor for Institutions
  • Angelo Sed: Assessor for Contributions
  • Davide Tesciuba: Councilor for Youth


Council Coordinator: Alberto Moresco

  • Ilan David Barda
  • Huani Mimun
  • Giacomo Moscati
  • David Mayer Naman
  • Emanuele Pace
  • Settimio Pavoncello
  • Piero Piperno
  • Loredana Spagnoletto
  • Claudio Spizzichino
  • Raffaella Spizzichino

Council of the Jewish Community of Rome:

President: Alex Zarfati

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