FAQ for Tourists - High Holidays 2024 edition

(valid from erev Rosh ha-shanà - 2.10.24)

Welcome to Rome! Enjoy your stay.

We want to pray at the Great Synagogue. What are the rules?

In order to access the Synagogue on weekdays, Visitors must bring with them their ID (passport).

For Shabbat and Yom tov prayers, registration must take place before Shabbat or on the eve of Yom Tov, using this form (no later than 2.00 pm).

Is there any synagogue reservation system?

The tefillot of the Yamim noraim are very crowded, especially on the first morning of Rosh ha-Shana and at the end of Yom Kippur.
It is suggested to arrive on time.
We recommend getting to the synagogue well in advance in order to avoid long queues.
The Community does not place numerical limits on admission, does not sell tickets and does not guarantee seats.
However, offers are very welcome: (Donazioni alla Comunità Ebraica di Roma (romaebraica.it)).

What are prayer times on Rosh ha-Shana and Kippur?

ShachritRosh ha-Shana and Kippur: 8 amRosh ha-Shana and Kippur: 8 am


Great Synagogue

(Italian rite)

Sephardic Synagogue in the same building

On Kippur in the Jewish School building (Sephardic rite), Via del Portico d’Ottavia 73

Selichot on the eve of Rosh ha-Shana and Kippur

5 am.

After the Selichot: Shachrit

Evening Tefilla

Rosh ha-Shana: 6.20 pm

Kippur: 6.10 pm

Rosh ha-Shana: 6.20 pm

Kippur: 6.10 pm

Are there any restaurants open for Rosh-ha-Shana?

Usually, various kosher restaurants in the synagogue area are open for lunch on the first days of Rosh Hashanah. We will provide more details in the coming days.

Where does the tashlich take place?
The tashlich takes place in the afternoon of the second day of Rosh ha-Shana (3 October) at 5.20 pm in three different points of the city: on the Tiber Island (near the Great Synagogue), at Bet El and Ponte Marconi.

What are the Rome times for Ghedalia fasting?
Fasting (6.10) begins at 6.02 am and ends at 7.09 pm

What time does the Kippur fast end (October 12th)?
The sound of the Shofar is at 6.59 pm, the fast ends at 7.16 pm

What are prayer times on Sukkot, Sheminì ‘Atzeret and Simchat Torà?


Great Synagogue

Sephardic Synagogue in

the same building

Yom Tov Arvit

Sukkot: Eve 6.10 pm

Second day evening: 6.10 pm

Eve of Sheminì ‘Atzeret and Simchat Torah: 6.00 pm

Sukkot: Eve 6.10 pm

Second day evening: 6.10 pm

Eve of Sheminì ‘Atzeret and Simchat Torah: 6.00 pm

Yom Tov Shachrit

8.30 am

8.30 am

Where can you buy a lulav?
At the Great Synagogue: the sale of Lulavim is from 14 to 16 October from 8.45 to 1.30 pm and from 20 to 22 October at the same time.
The ‘aravà for Osha’ana Rabba can be purchased on Wednesday 23 October from 6 am. To book call +39 06-87450209 / 10 or send an e mail to: dipartimentoeducativo@ufficiogiovani.it.

How can you access the Sukka?
In the garden of the Great Synagogue there is a Sukka open to the public. Access is allowed until 10.30 pm; on Saturdays until 2 pm, and from 5.30 pm to 10.30 pm. To enter, you must present your passport or have filled in this form.
Access to the sukkah is not allowed when used by Jewish school students; in the days before Sukkot we will provide more details. Some restaurants have a Sukka for customers.

Where does the Osha’ana Rabba tiqqun take place?
The tiqqun of the night of Osha’anà Rabbà takes place in the Sukka in the garden of the Great Synagogue on Tuesday 22 October at 8.15 pm, and in the garden of Bet Shalom Synagogue (via Pozzo Pantaleo 52) at 7.30 pm. To access you must present your passport.

Is there any special moment during Sukkot?
Osha’ana Rabba tefilla at the Great Synagogue is one of the most heartfelt moments for Roman Jews. According to many, taking part in this tefilla is a unique experience.

Are there any other Synagogues in Rome?
Yes, check the list at Synagogues – Comunità Ebraica di Roma (romaebraica.it)
In English: Information for tourists – Jewish Community of Rome (romaebraica.it).
The access rules are the same for all synagogues in Rome. For any further details, contact the synagogue you intend to go to.

Is it possible to visit the Great Synagogue outside of prayer times?
Only through the Jewish Museum

Which kind of Synagogues are Roman Synagogues?
Some, including the Great Synagogue, follow the Roman minhag, other follow the Sephardic rite (original or Lybian), one is an Ashkenazi synagogue.

Are the any Kosher restaurants or kosher food shops?
Yes, check the list at Kosher restaurant in Rome (romaebraica.it) and Kosher products – Comunità Ebraica di Roma (romaebraica.it).

Are there any restaurants open for Rosh-ha-Shana?

First evening at dinner: (reservation is needed)

First day at lunch: (reservation is needed)

  • Bellacarne (besarì) – Via del Portico D’Ottavia 51, 06-6833104
  • Casalino Osteria (chalav Israel) – Via del Portico d’Ottavia 1e, 06 9781514
  • C’è pasta e pizza (Chalav Israel) – Via Giuseppe Massari, 8, 06.5806517
  • Renato (besarì) – Via del Portico D’Ottavia, 5, 06-47545830

Is there a list of kosher food available in the markets?
Kasherut – Comunità Ebraica di Roma (romaebraica.it)

Is there an Eruv in Rome?
No, there isn’t.

What about miqwe?
Only for women. Reservations: Ritual Services – Jewish Community of Rome (romaebraica.it)
For men Via Famiano Nardini, 15. Reservations: +39.345.3379412.
On the eve of Rosh ha-Shana and Kippur, both the miqwaot of the Great Synagogue and Via Balbo Synagogue are open for men from 7am to 12am.

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