Shalom is the historic headline published by the Jewish Community of Rome.
It was founded in 1967, in the aftermath of the Six Day War, by a group of Jewish intellectuals and the journalist and writer Lia Levi who then ran it for about 30 years.
Throughout more than 50 years, Shalom’s goal has always been to communicate, to make its readers aware of the events, history, culture, thought, vitality of the Jewish, Italian and international world, constantly tackling the challenges of present.
With an online edition, a magazine, sections of video news, and live coverage of online events in English, a newsletter, the historical newspaper of the Jewish Community of Rome continues to broaden its horizons, establishing itself as an authoritative voice and source of Italian Jewry.
An editorial staff made up of young journalists, historical collaborators, popular names of Italian journalism and Jewish thought, works on the various editions of Shalom, under the direction of the journalist Ariela Piattelli.
- Jewish monthly newspaper of the Jewish Community of Rome
Lungotevere Sanzio, 14
00153 Roma - +39 06 87450205/06
- redazione@shalom.it
- www.shalom.it
- Director: Ariela Piattelli
Newsletter of the Jewish Community of Rome
Largo Stefano Gay taché
00186 Roma - 06 5814464
- info@romaebraica.it
- To subscribe to the newsletter send a request email.